Our current annual subs are £10.00 (£15.00 for family/couple) for which you will receive our Branch annual programme and newsletter- "Ricardian News and Views". Branch funds are also supplemented by raffles and nominal voluntary contributions at each meeting.
Branch meetings are normally held at 2.30 on the first Saturday of each month, usually at our regular and easily accessed venue in Cheltenham. These live meetings conclude with an informal tea and chat.
However, since the pandemic we have continued to hold some branch meetings on Zoom, with meetings those tending to start at 2pm.
Members are free to contribute as much or as little as they wish - collectively, all that is required is an interest in the period. We do hope the prospect of either joining or even sampling [ there is no pressure to join ] our Branch activities appears attractive and look forward to hearing from you!
For further information about branch membership, please contact our Branch Treasurer, Angela Iliff, at ardiliff@gmail.com. Or feel free to attend a meeting or two first and have a chat in person.